99%, Full Moon
99%, Full Moon

Yellow Seed

  Ton 1 is the intention of the day
Aaj  is the Character of the day
    Element: Fire

Yellow Seed

Fri 26.01.2024 20:35 (UTC)   1 Aaj

Expressed energy

Tzolkin Maya, Sacred calendar

Melody of Mother Earth

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Ton cycle, Trecena, 13 days [UTC]

Duration 13 days
Start 26.01.2024 06:00
End 08.02.2024 06:00
Actual Ton
Duration 1 day
Cycle position 1/13
Start 26.01.2024 06:00
End 27.01.2024 06:00

Cosmic Caterpillar 13 days

Jun, Ton 1, Number 1

(Ton, masculine principle, objective, intention)

Day 1 - Action

Inspiration / Ascend

Definition of new objective, choice of intention

Sacred Intention, Fire and Time, Birth, Creation of Life, Initiation, Motivation

Define a new objective, a new idea

The begining of every thing. The primary motivation, the spark of fire. The first. The whole. The all of one.

Identification and definition of goals and objectives. Foundation, principle of attraction, birth of the idea, blossoming of a new expression.

Symbolizes: The indivisibe essence, one heart, the essential vibration, new birth.


Kin cycle, Veintena, 20 days [UTC]

Duration 20 days
Start 14.01.2024 06:00
End 03.02.2024 06:00
Actual Kin
Duration 1 day
Cycle position 13/20
Start 26.01.2024 06:00
End 27.01.2024 06:00

Cosmic Caterpillar 20 days

Aaj, Reed, Ben, Sky Walker, the resurrection of the maize

(Kin, feminine principle, character, sentiment)

Multiplication of all things, life, spiritual development, consciousness

Day to feel like a child

Element: Fire
Color: Red
Direction: East
Animal: Armadillo
Body part: Spine
Opposite elements: Development / Introversion

Abundance, love, multiplication, development, connection with trees and earth, power, harmony, unity, Heart of the Earth, inner fire, community, integrity, honesty, purity, morality, sacred words, back to the origin, simplicity, justice, emotions, authority, perfection, social projection

Instability, sadness, anger, introversion, obsession, indifference, pride

Aaj is the energy of multiplication.
The ability of everything to grow and replicate itself to create the diversity of life. An ocean of forms, shapes, colors that compose the nature. The experience of life throughout infinite manners and characters.

From the Unique, Aaj creates Multitude. Multitude in Unique and Unique in Multitude.

Aaj is an explorer, a curious, trying all possibilities, revels in originality, he explores all directions.
As universe is a living entity with an own personality, Aaj is his expansion and development principle.

Aaj is the protector of the childhood.

Observations of the Mayan Sage about the Spiritual/Energetic Entity of Nawal Aaj

Aaj's exploration is not limited to the three-dimensional world but extends to multi-dimensional levels.

Its main mission is to establish a connection and a communication between the major and minor entities in an ascending/descending way.

It plays a large role in the energy of all manifestations of natural and artificial language.
The artificial language essentially relates to the material three-dimensional world that responds to anthropocentric mental models: the human sees himself as the center of the world..
The artificial language leads us to disordered and absolutist illusions.