Ton 1
Kin Kan

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1 Kan

Expressing energy

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Help: Navigation in the Sacred Tzolkin calendar(Page 4/6)

The traditional Tzolkin calendar is in the East.

East Compass

Open the page Melody of the present Day of the calendar.

The content of this Direction changes each day according to the expressing Energy of the Vibration of Time, the Melody of Time.
By default, the content of the East is fixed on the present day. All pages of the East give information about the Energy of the present.

To change the day and therefore the energy..

Change Day
Click the link 'Change day', below the Seed of the day on the left, and choose a new UTC date.

By doing this, the entire content of the East Direction will change to show the information about the Energy of the selected day.

You can also navigate in the days..

The Triskel symbolizes the three states of time, and allows to change the day:

- clik the yellow spiral to select the previous day

- click the white spiral to select the next day

- click the blue spiral to select the present day

For each selected day, you see information about..

Overflying these symbols with the mouse shows the title of the page. Click these symbols in the calendar to open the folowing pages:

Tzolkin calendar one day view
Tzolkin calendar one day view

This page informs you about the Energy of the Tzolkin calendar of the selected day

This symbol can change its color

if the day is in the past -> yellow,

if the day is in the future -> white

Tzolkin calendar overview
Tzolkin calendar overview

This page shows the global 260 days cycle of the Tzolkin calendar and the position of the selected day in it

This symbol can change its color

if the selected day is in the past -> yellow,

if the selected day is in the future -> white

Planets influence
Planets influence

Symbol of the Venus Pentagram. The sacred relationship between Venus and Earth. This page informs you about the position and influence of planets around our Earth at the selected day

'My Flower
My Flower

This page informs you about your personal energies, the energies of your own Nawal. This page needs you to be logged to open.
'Flower of the day
Flower of the day

This page informs you about the energies of the Nawal of the selected day


This page is a Tzolkin calendar cycles navigator.
Use it to find your own synchronicities ;)


This page explains how to use the Sacred Tzolkin calendar.
This content does not change when you change the day

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