Ton 8
Kin Tijax
What is Time?
Creation of Time
Tzolkin calendar
Time is alive

8 Tijax

Expressing energy

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Time is alive: Breathing of Time(Page 13/13)

The cycle of the 13 Ton is the Breathing of Time.

It gives the Energy, the Intention to Time.

It is the breathing cycle of the Tzolkin calendar, its engine.

Ton Cycle

The Intention of Time is also your own project, what you want to realize during the current day.

Although the Ton cycle is a masculine principle, it is in fact divided into several masculine and feminine aspects, days and nights.

A whole cycle of the 13 Ton is devided into three stages, an inspiration, a vision, and a expiration period.

The inspiration is the will, the expression, the day, the Sun.

The vision is the action of seeing around, the vision of the path of life, the direction to take, the global understanding of the project. It is the alignment.

The expiration is the wish, the listening, the night, the Moon.

As you can see on the illustration, the inspiration periode is devided into 6 steps, the vision period into 1 step and the expiration into 6 steps again.

During the Ton cycle, imagine that you are visiting a pyramid:

The inspiration time is the climbing part, Ton 1 to 6

You give will during this period. You give will to the world, into the project you want to realize, into the fact that you want to climb the pyramid.

During the first step, Ton 1, you give energy, inspiration, day.
In the second step, Ton 2, you receive energy from the universe, expiration, night.
In the third step, Ton 3, again it is a time to give energy from yourself, day.

And so on..

When you reach the top of the pyramid, Ton 7

At this place you get the highest vision of all around.

This period is important to 'see' the path from this point. You can see from where you are coming as well as where you want to go.
During this period, you will get the inspiration that will guide you during the next period of time until you will reach again this position, Ton 7.

Keep well in your heart the vision you got at the top of the pyramid, the day of Ton 7.
It is the compass that will guide you for the next 12 days.

The last part of the visit is the descend of the pyramid, Ton 8 to 13

This period is a dreaming/listening period, a period where you listen your inner voices, make wishes for the next Ton cycle.

Again the descend passes through 6 steps, each one is an expiration and inspiration one.

During the first step in the descend, Ton 8, you receive energy from the universe, expiration, night.
In the second step, Ton 9, you give energy, inspiration, day.

And so on..

After the visiting of the pyramid, you've spent 13 days, 7 days and 6 nights.

This cycle is a natural cycle, it is acting in all things that compose the universe. For us as human being as well as for trees, animals, solar systems, galaxies, the cells that make up our bodies.

The Ton cycle is a wave of the universe.

It is a wave of fire, a wave of will, of respiration.

Ton 1, step 1, Day 1

Global period of inspiration

Will, masculine principle, Sun, Master of the day, of the material reality


He is Xiuhtecuthli, principle of Fire and Time

Ton 2, step 2, Night 1

Global period of inspiration

Dream, feminine principle, Moon, Mistress of the night, of the immaterial reality


She is Tlaltecuthli, principle of the Earth

Ton 3, step 3, Day 2

Global period of inspiration

Will, masculine principle, Sun, Master of the day, of the material reality


She is Chalchiuhtlicue, principle of Water, Birth and Women

Ton 4, step 4, Night 2

Global period of inspiration

Dream, feminine principle, Moon, Mistress of the night, of the immaterial reality


He is Tonatiuh, principle of Warriors and the Sun

Ton 5, step 5, Day 3

Global period of inspiration

Will, masculine principle, Sun, Master of the day, of the material reality

Consciousness, Detachement

She is Tlacolteotl, principle of Love and Childbirth

Ton 6, step 6, Night 3

Global period of inspiration

Dream, feminine principle, Moon, Mistress of the night, of the immaterial reality


He is Mictlantecuthli, principle of Death, Fluidity

Ton 7, step 7, Day 4

Global period of inspiration

Will, masculine principle, Sun, Master of the day, of the material reality

Point of view, Revelation

He is Cinteotl, principle of Maize and Sustenance

Ton 8, step 8, Night 4

Global period of expiration

Dream, feminine principle, Moon, Mistress of the night, of the immaterial reality


He is Tlaloc, principle of Rain and War

Ton 9, step 9, Day 5

Global period of expiration

Will, masculine principle, Sun, Master of the day, of the material reality

Creation, Change

He is Quetzelcoatl 'Feathered Serpent', principle of Light

Ton 10, step 10, Night 5

Global period of expiration

Dream, feminine principle, Moon, Mistress of the night, of the immaterial reality

Manifestation, Challenge

He is Tzelcatlipoca, principle of Destruction and Darkness

Ton 11, step 11, Day 6

Global period of expiration

Will, masculine principle, Sun, Master of the day, of the material reality

Resolution, Flowering

She is Yohualticitl, principle of Birth

Ton 12, step 12, Night 6

Global period of expiration

Dream, feminine principle, Moon, Mistress of the night, of the immaterial reality

Comprehension, Communication

He is Tlahuizcalpantecuthli, principle of the morning Star who rules before dawn

Ton 13, step 13, Day 7

Global period of expiration

Will, masculine principle, Sun, Master of the day, of the material reality

Ascension, Achievement

He/She is Ometeotl, supreme principle of Duality

Heart of Time
The Beating of the Universe
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